1 “Universal smart antenna front-ends for multiplatform devices,” Portable Design, January 2006.


2  “Using Smart Antennas to Correct Wireless' Limitations,” System Design Frontier, September 2005.




Summary: We propose and analyze a wide-band indoor communication system that uses radio as the transmission medium either on a stand-alone basis or to supplement a hard-wired network for those situations where complete portability is desired. One principal im.....


3  “Smart Antennas Benefit WLANs,” Wireless Design & Development, November 2005.





4 “Using Smart Antennas to Improve Mobile Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks,” Antenna Systems & Technology, October 2005.






5 “Understanding MIMO: Part 1 and Part 2,” Wireless Net DesignLine, April 27 and 28, 2005.  





6 “802.11n throttles up WLAN throughput,” Network World, 11/22/04.






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