Many of the papers listed below have been published in
IEEE or other journals or conference proceedings. See
copyright notices at the bottom of this page.


1  Effect of fading correlation on adaptive arrays in digital wireless communications
Salz, J.; Winters, J.H.
Communications, 1993. ICC '93 Geneva. Technical Program, Conference Record, IEEE International Conference on , Volume: 3 , 1993
Page(s): 1768 -1774 vol.3

   [PDF Full-Text (508 KB)]


2  Signal acquisition and tracking with adaptive arrays in wireless systems
Winters, J.H.
Vehicular Technology Conference, 1993., 43rd IEEE , 1993
Page(s): 85 -88

   [PDF Full-Text (360 KB)]


3  Two signaling schemes for improving the error performance of frequency-division-duplex (FDD) transmission systems using transmitter antenna diversity
Seshadri, N.; Winters, J.H.
Vehicular Technology Conference, 1993., 43rd IEEE , 1993
Page(s): 508 -511

   [PDF Full-Text (352 KB)]


4  Adaptive nonlinear cancellation for high-speed fiber-optic systems
Winters, J.H.; Kasturia, S.
Lightwave Technology, Journal of , Volume: 10 Issue: 7 , July 1992
Page(s): 971 -977

   [PDF Full-Text (672 KB)]


5  Adaptive Antennas For Digital Mobile radio
Winters, J.H.; Salz, J.; Gitlin, R.D.
Adaptive Antenna Systems Symposium, 1992., Proceedings of the IEEE Long Island Section
Page(s): 81 -86

   [PDF Full-Text (472 KB)]


6  The capacity of wireless communication systems can be substantially increased by the use of antenna diversity
Winters, J.H.; Salz, J.; Gitlin, R.D.
Universal Personal Communications, 1992. ICUPC '92 Proceedings., 1st International Conference on , 1992
Page(s): 02.01/1 -02.01/5

   [PDF Full-Text (344 KB)]


7  Techniques for high-speed implementation of nonlinear cancellation
Kasturia, S.; Winters, J.H.
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on , Volume: 9 Issue: 5 , June 1991
Page(s): 711 -717

   [PDF Full-Text (484 KB)]


8  High-T/sub c/ superconductor waveguides: theory and applications
Winters, J.H.; Rose, C.
Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 39 Issue: 4 , April 1991
Page(s): 617 -623

   [PDF Full-Text (556 KB)]


9  Ghost cancellation of analog TV signals: with applications to IDTV, EDTV, and HDTV
Winters, J.H.; Ayanoglu, E.; Bar-David, I.; Gitlin, R.D.; Chih-Lin I
Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 1 Issue: 1 , March 1991
Page(s): 136 -146

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10  Congestion control by adaptive admission
Haas, Z.; Winters, J.H.
INFOCOM '91. Proceedings. Tenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Networking in the 90s., IEEE , 1991
Page(s): 560 -569 vol.2

   [PDF Full-Text (688 KB)]


11  Constrained maximum-likelihood detection for high-speed fiber-optic systems
Winters, J.H.; Kasturia, S.
Global Telecommunications Conference, 1991. GLOBECOM '91. 'Countdown to the New Millennium. Featuring a Mini-Theme on: Personal Communications Services , 1991
Page(s): 1574 -1579 vol.3

   [PDF Full-Text (448 KB)]


12  Ghost cancellation of analog TV signals: with applications to IDTV, EDTV, and HDTV
Winters, J.H.; Ayanoglu, E.; Bar-David, I.; Gitlin, R.D.; Chih-Lin I
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1991. ICASSP-91., 1991 International Conference on , 1991
Page(s): 2861 -2864 vol.4

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13  Experimental equalization of polarization dispersion
Winters, J.H.; Santoro, M.A.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , Volume: 2 Issue: 8 , Aug. 1990
Page(s): 591 -593

   [PDF Full-Text (248 KB)]


14  Equalization in coherent lightwave systems using a fractionally spaced equalizer
Winters, J.H.
Lightwave Technology, Journal of , Volume: 8 Issue: 10 , Oct. 1990
Page(s): 1487 -1491

   [PDF Full-Text (408 KB)]


15  Electrical signal processing techniques in long-haul fiber-optic systems
Winters, J.H.; Gitlin, R.D.
Communications, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 38 Issue: 9 , Sept. 1990
Page(s): 1439 -1453

   [PDF Full-Text (1368 KB)]

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