Many of the papers listed below have been published in
IEEE or other journals or conference proceedings. See
copyright notices at the bottom of this page.


1  Joint equalization and interference suppression for high data rate wireless systems
Ariyavisitakul, S.L.; Winters, J.H.; Sollenberger, N.R.
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on , Volume: 18 Issue: 7 , July 2000
Page(s): 1214 -1220

   [PDF Full-Text (184 KB)]


2  A 2-stage soft-output equalizer for EDGE
Zeng, H.H.; Ye Li; Winters, J.H.; Sadjadpour, H.R.
Wireless Communications and Networking Confernce, 2000. WCNC. 2000 IEEE , Volume: 1 , 2000
Page(s): 393 -397 vol.1

[PDF Full-Text (296 KB)]


3  Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio channel measurements and experimental implementation for EDGE
Martin, C.C.; Winters, J.H.; Zeng, H.H.; Sollenberger, N.R.; Dixit, A.
Signals, Systems and Computers, 2000. Conference Record of the Thirty-Fourth Asilomar Conference on , Volume: 1 , 2000
Page(s): 738 -742 vol.1

   [PDF Full-Text (452 KB)]


4  Experimental nonlinear cancellation of polarization-mode dispersion
Poirrier, J.; Gnauck, A.; Winters, J.
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2000 , Volume: 3 , 2000
Page(s): 119 -121 vol.3

>   [PDF Full-Text (200 KB)]


5  Recommendations for research opportunities from the WTEC study on wireless technologies and information networks
Itoh, T.; Winters, J.; Iskander, M.
Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2000. IEEE , Volume: 1 , 2000
Page(s): 67 vol.1
   [PDF Full-Text (44 KB)]


6  Propagation aspects for smart antennas in wireless systems
Winters, J.
Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2000. IEEE , Volume: 1 , 2000
Page(s): 66 vol.1
   [PDF Full-Text (52 KB)]


7  Higher order statistics of the output SNR of hybrid selection/maximal-ratio combining
Win, M.Z.; Mallik, R.K.; Chrisikos, G.; Winters, J.H.
Global Telecommunications Conference, 2000. GLOBECOM '00. IEEE , Volume: 2 , 2000
Page(s): 922 -926 vol.2

   [PDF Full-Text (280 KB)]


8  Performance of predetection dual diversity in correlated Rayleigh fading: EGC and SD
Mallik, R.K.; Win, M.Z.; Winters, J.H.
Global Telecommunications Conference, 2000. GLOBECOM '00. IEEE , Volume: 2 , 2000
Page(s): 932 -936 vol.2

   [PDF Full-Text (268 KB)]


9  Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio channel measurements
Martin, C.C.; Winters, J.H.; Sollenberger, N.R.
Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE , 2000
Page(s): 45 -46

   [PDF Full-Text (104 KB)]


10  Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio channel measurements
Martin, C.C.; Winters, J.H.; Sollenberger, N.R.
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2000. IEEE-VTS Fall VTC 2000. 52nd , Volume: 2 , 2000
Page(s): 774 -779 vol.2

   [PDF Full-Text (516 KB)]


11  A fast selective-direction MMSE timing recovery algorithm for spatial-temporal equalization in EDGE
Zeng, H.H.; Ye Li; Winters, J.H.
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2000. IEEE-VTS Fall VTC 2000. 52nd , Volume: 3 , 2000
Page(s): 1333 -1337 vol.3

   [PDF Full-Text (312 KB)]


12  Smart antennas for the EDGE wireless TDMA system
Winters, J.H.
Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications, and Control Symposium 2000. AS-SPCC. The IEEE 2000 , 2000
Page(s): 64 -69

   [PDF Full-Text (456 KB)]


13  Spatial-temporal equalization for IS-136 TDMA systems with rapid dispersive fading and cochannel interference
Ye Li; Winters, J.H.; Sollenberger, N.R.
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 48 Issue: 4 , July 1999
Page(s): 1182 -1194

   [PDF Full-Text (444 KB)]


14  Optimum space-time processors with dispersive interference: unified analysis and required filter span
Ariyavisitakul, S.L.; Winters, J.H.; Inkyu Lee
Communications, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 47 Issue: 7 , July 1999
Page(s): 1073 -1083

   [PDF Full-Text (320 KB)]




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