Many of the papers listed below have been published in
IEEE or other journals or conference proceedings. See
copyright notices at the bottom of this page.
1 The range increase of adaptive versus
phased arrays in mobile radio systems |
2 Analysis of hybrid
selection/maximal-ratio combining in Rayleigh fading |
3 Error probability for M-ary
modulation using hybrid selection/maximal-ratio combining in Rayleigh fading
4 Error probability for M-ary
modulation in correlated Nakagami channels using maximal ratio combining
5 Exact error probability
expressions for MRC in correlated Nakagami channels with unequal fading parameters
and branch powers |
6 Exact error probability expressions
for H-S/MRC in Rayleigh fading: a virtual branch technique |
7 Analysis of hybrid
selection/maximal-ratio combining of diversity branches with unequal SNR in
Rayleigh fading |
8 Field test results of downlink
smart antennas and power control for IS-136 |
9 Adaptive antenna arrays using
sub-space techniques in a mobile radio environment with flat fading and CCI
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