Many of the papers listed below have been published in
IEEE or other journals or conference proceedings. See
copyright notices at the bottom of this page.
1 Parameter tracking of STE for IS-136
TDMA systems with rapid dispersive fading and co-channel interference
2 A four-element adaptive antenna
array for IS-136 PCS base stations |
3 High data rate indoor wireless
communications using antenna arrays |
4 The impact of antenna diversity
on the capacity of wireless communication systems |
5 Effect of fading correlation on
adaptive arrays in digital mobile radio |
6 The range increase of adaptive
versus phased arrays in mobile radio systems |
7 Upper bounds on the bit error
rate of optimum combining in wireless systems |
8 The diversity gain of transmit
diversity in wireless systems with Rayleigh fading |
9 Additional results of the
capacity bounds in cellular systems |
10 Simulation study of the capacity
bounds in cellular systems |
11 Reducing the effects of
transmission impairments in digital fiber optic systems |
12 Signal acquisition and tracking
with adaptive arrays in the digital mobile radio system IS-54 with flat
fading |
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