Many of the papers listed below have been published in
IEEE or other journals or conference proceedings. See
copyright notices at the bottom of this page.


1  Reflections on industrial research [leadership reflections]
Winters, J.H.;
Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE
Volume 22,  Issue 4,  July 2005 Page(s):6 - 8

   [PDF Full-Text (124 KB)]


2  When will smart antennas be ready for the market? Part I
Kaiser, T.;
Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE
Volume 22,  Issue 2,  Mar 2005 Page(s):87 - 92

   [PDF Full-Text (805 KB)]


3  A Laguerre polynomial-based bound on the symbol error probability for adaptive antennas with optimum combining
Chiani, M.; Win, M.Z.; Zanella, A.; Winters, J.H.;
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 3,  Issue 1,  Jan. 2004 Page(s):12 - 16

   [PDF Full-Text (195 KB)]


4  An embedded antenna for mobile DBS
Wang, J.; Winters, J.H.;
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th
Volume 6,  26-29 Sept. 2004 Page(s):4092 - 4095 Vol. 6

   [PDF Full-Text (1884 KB)]


5  Bit error outage for diversity reception in shadowing environment
Conti, A.; Win, M.Z.; Chiani, M.; Winters, J.H.;
Communications Letters, IEEE
Volume 7,  Issue 1,  Jan 2003 Page(s):15 - 17

   [PDF Full-Text (324 KB)]


6  On the SNR penalty of MPSK with hybrid selection/maximal ratio combining over i.i.d. Rayleigh fading channels
Win, M.Z.; Beaulieu, N.C.; Shepp, L.A.; Logan, B.F., Jr.; Winters, J.H.;
Communications, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 51,  Issue 6,  June 2003 Page(s):1012 - 1023

   [PDF Full-Text (865 KB)]


7  Reduced-complexity transmit/receive-diversity systems
Molisch, A.F.; Win, M.Z.; Winters, J.H.;
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on [see also Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on]
Volume 51,  Issue 11,  Nov 2003 Page(s):2729 - 2738

   [PDF Full-Text (648 KB)]


8  Bounds and approximations for optimum combining of signals in the presence of multiple cochannel interferers and thermal noise
Chiani, M.; Win, M.Z.; Zanella, A.; Mallik, R.K.; Winters, J.H.;
Communications, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 51,  Issue 2,  Feb. 2003 Page(s):296 - 307

   [PDF Full-Text (948 KB)]


9  Fast algorithms for antenna selection in MIMO systems
Yang-Seok Choi; Molisch, A.F.; Win, M.Z.; Winters, J.H.;
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003-Fall. 2003 IEEE 58th
Volume 3,  6-9 Oct. 2003 Page(s):1733 - 1737 Vol.3

   [PDF Full-Text (594 KB)]


10  MIMO-OFDM for wireless communications: signal detection with enhanced channel estimation
Li, Y.G.; Winters, J.H.; Sollenberger, N.R.;
Communications, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 50,  Issue 9,  Sept. 2002 Page(s):1471 - 1477

   [PDF Full-Text (331 KB)]


11  On optimum MIMO with antenna selection
Blum, R.S.; Winters, J.H.;
Communications Letters, IEEE
Volume 6,  Issue 8,  Aug. 2002 Page(s):322 - 324

   [PDF Full-Text (234 KB)]


12  Space-time-frequency (STF) coding for MIMO-OFDM systems
Molisch, A.F.; Win, M.Z.; Winters, J.H.;
Communications Letters, IEEE
Volume 6,  Issue 9,  Sept. 2002 Page(s):370 - 372

   [PDF Full-Text (191 KB)]


13  Performance of dual-diversity predetection EGC in correlated Rayleigh fading with unequal branch SNRs
Mallik, R.K.; Win, M.Z.; Winters, J.H.;
Communications, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 50,  Issue 7,  July 2002 Page(s):1041 - 1044

   [PDF Full-Text (240 KB)]


14  On the capacity of cellular systems with MIMO
Blum, R.S.; Winters, J.H.; Sollenberger, N.R.;
Communications Letters, IEEE
Volume 6,  Issue 6,  June 2002 Page(s):242 - 244

   [PDF Full-Text (205 KB)]


15  Efficient evaluation of exact error probability for optimum combining of M-ary PSK signals
Chiani, M.; Win, M.; Zanella, A.; Winters, J.H.;
Global Telecommunications Conference, 2002. GLOBECOM '02. IEEE
Volume 2,  17-21 Nov. 2002 Page(s):1415 - 1419 vol.2
Page(s): 1298 -1302

   [PDF Full-Text (353 KB)]


16  A simple and asymptotically tight upper bound on the symbol error probability of adaptive antennas with optimum combining
Chiani, M.; Win, M.; Zanella, A.; Winters, J.H.;
Communications, 2002. ICC 2002. IEEE International Conference on
Volume 3,  28 April-2 May 2002 Page(s):1878 - 1881 vol.3

   [PDF Full-Text (321 KB)]


17  Outdoor IEEE 802.11 cellular networks: MAC protocol design and performance
Leung, K.K.; McNair, B.; Cimini, L.J., Jr.; Winters, J.H.;
Communications, 2002. ICC 2002. IEEE International Conference on
Volume 1,  28 April-
2 May 2002 Page(s):595 - 599

   [PDF Full-Text (354 KB)]



18  On optimum MIMO with antenna selection
Blum, R.S.; Winters, J.H.;
Communications, 2002. ICC 2002. IEEE International Conference on
Volume 1,  28 April-
2 May 2002 Page(s):386 - 390

   [PDF Full-Text (293 KB)]



19  Performance of reduced-complexity transmit/receive-diversity systems
Molisch, A.F.; Win, M.Z.; Winters, J.H.;
Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 2002. The 5th International Symposium on
Volume 2,  27-30 Oct. 2002 Page(s):738 - 742 vol.2

   [PDF Full-Text (540 KB)]


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